Wednesday 16 December 2009

Lawn Bowling Holidays

Sun, Sea, and Sangria!!

Possibly the only three things missing to your usual lawn bowling matches!

So, the winter blues have set in and you are considering a well deserved holiday abroad, yet there is one thing that would make this holiday perfect! Playing the sport you love, in a sunnier climate!

Lawn bowling holiday are extremely popular! I should know, I've been on one myself! To set out on the path to your ideal bowling holiday you first need to consider the destination.

Lawn bowling is played worldwide so there really are no limits to where you can go. The favourite destinations with bowlers is the picturesque Algarve and Majorca! Once you have narrowed down the places you wish to visit, take some time to consider the type of bowling holiday you would favour.

There are many hotels, bed and breakfasts and self catering facilities that cater to your bowling needs either by having a bowling club close to the accommodation or in a lot of cases now, having a bowling green at the hotel.

There are two types of lawn bowling holidays. Tailored lawn bowling holidays and as mentioned above, hotels, bed and breakfasts etc with the bowling facilities included.

It all depends on how much you want to play bowls throughout your trip and to what extent. My recommendation for if you just want to have the odd friendly roll up every other day, to go with the hotel with the bowling facilities on site. This way you can see how many bowling games you wish to play when you arrive and take the holiday as it comes. However if it is your aim to play a few competitions and possibly compete in a bowling tournament abroad, the Tailored lawn bowling holiday is most definitely for you.

Tailored bowling holidays specialise in arranging bowling holidays for groups large or small. This type of holiday is available to everyone. So whether you are an individual or large group. The tailored bowling holidays will suit you.

They will arrange everything from the moment you arrive in the country. They will take you to your holiday destination, arrange all of the matches for you to play, and even provide the prizes for the winners at the end of your trip!
After your matches, the agency who have arranged the bowling holiday will also provide you with other social activities non bowls related to ensure that you and your newly made friends, get the most from your bowling holiday experience.

One important tip to remember. Don't forget your suncream!

Monday 14 December 2009

Choosing The Correct Size Lawn Bowl

Choosing the correct size lawn bowl is vital when playing to the best of your ability.

Never allow your lawn bowls to let you down.

A high percentage of lawn bowlers are playing with the incorrect size lawn bowl. In this article we will look at the importance of ensuring that the size you have, is the the right size for you.

One way to select the correct size lawn bowl is to firstly visit your bowling club and discuss this with your fellow members. Ask to borrow their lawn bowls so that you can test these for size, they may allow you to play a game with them to see how well you manage with them. Try this with as many sizes as possible, and then to place your thumb and middle finger around the bowl and ensure that your hand has a firm grasp around it. Make sure that the lawn bowl is comfortable to hold and and not too small that it is fitting too snug into the palm of your hand. You must ensure that your fingers are not so far grasped around the bowl that when you come to play it is not rolling off the tip of your fingers.

Whilst gripping the lawn bowl, turn your hand upside down and take note on how this feels. Then swing your arm back as if you were about to roll the lawn bowl and then move your arm back again to its original position.

If your hand begins to shake this lawn bowl is far too heavy for you. The best advice is to try this method with a few different sizes and go for the largest bowl that you can manage with ease!

Just so you have a rough idea- Men's bowls sizing is usually between a size 3 -5. 5 belonging to the Man with the larger hand and size 3 belonging to a smaller hand.

As for ladies- the most popular lawn bowls sizes are between a size 0 (the smaller handed lady) to a size 2 (the larger handed lady).

However these average sizes are just a guide, at the end of the day it depends entirely on your hand shape, size and the weight you can manage. Most importantly you need to feel confident with the bowl you are using.

It is also advisable that if you have a local bowls specialist in a town close by, to go and have a quick chat with him. He will allow you to test some of the sizes and in most cases shall allow you to sneakily roll one or two of them in shop! (Providing you don't test your firing skills!)

If you follow the above method of testing bowls before purchasing them, you cannot fail.

Bowls Equipment

Ok so you've decided that Lawn Bowling is right for you! Great! Here is a checklist of everything you will need to begin playing this fantastic sport!

Remember there is other clothing, accessories and equipment that you may wish to purchase to improve the game of lawn bowling, or just to treat yourself! However, below displays everything you will need to get you started on the right path for your new hobby!

  • You will need at least one pair of Grey bowling trousers and one pair of White bowling trousers in this game.
  • A white top. Most lawn bowls players prefer to wear a white polo shirt.
  • Bowling Shoes - these must be proper lawn bowling shoes that are flat on the soles to ensure that the green is not damaged during games.
  • A warm white jumper or body warmer, particularly if you live in the United Kingdom! You may find that you are playing matches in all kinds of weather.
  • A grey breathable waterproof garment. Again, most recommended if you are living in the U.K!
  • A bowls bag. These come in a range of sizes and colours. Pick one that suits your needs best. Taylor bowls have a fantastic range of bowls bags that can cater to your lawn bowling needs.
  • Lawn Bowls. Make sure you pick the correct size. Most retailers will be able to assist you in purchasing the correct lawn bowl, and if in doubt always go a size too small! Never choose a bowl that is too heavy for you and that you are not comfortable with. Lawn Bowls come in a range of colours and you can find some fantastic lawn bowls that really do stand out!
  • A measure. There will be times when playing bowls that you cannot identify which bowl is closer to the jack. At times like this you will need a measure as this could be the deciding factor of who has won the game.
  • Chalk. This is used for marking bowls.
  • Jack. A jack is recommended to keep in your bag if you wish to practice lawn bowls alone or with a friend. Most of the bowling clubs should provide these but just incase, always come prepared!

Thursday 10 December 2009

A Beginners Guide to Lawn Bowling

  • Join a local lawn bowling club. They can be looked up in the local yellow pages, or ask friends or relatives who may know of a local lawn bowling club in your area. In many towns there will be more than one bowling club, so you will need to carefully decide which one is best for you.

  • Use the clubs equipment to begin with before deciding the game is right for you. I would thoroughly recommended that you have a couple of trial plays on their bowling green free of charge. The members of the club will not mind and will be more than happy to help you.

  • Negotiate your first years bowling membership at a reduced rate with the bowling club you have decided to join, as you may not wish to be bowling as regular as the other members. Yearly bowling membership can vary from £30-£100 depending on the clubs.

  • Shop around for cheap bowling equipment. You can find online shops via our blog. New equipment can prove very costly when first starting out so suss out some good deals online and you can always upgrade to more expensive goods at a later stage.

  • Purchase a bowl that is the correct size and not too big as it will be difficult to handle whilst playing which could result in injury! Ensure that you have a good grip on the bowl always. There are also special sizing charts available that can help you determine the correct bowl for you.

  • Buy the correct bowling clothes, bowling bag and bowling accessories. You can find more information on what type of bowling clothes are required in the article Lawn Bowling Equipment. Just make sure you have your waterproofs!

  • Once you have purchased your bowling clothes and equipment, carry all of it in your new bowling bag in your non bowling hand to prevent strain and injury.

  • When at the bowling club seek advise from the club champions, these will provide you with the best bowling tips and prove valuable for your games.

  • Try to practice with someone else as often as possible to improve your skills. You can learn from each other and this will improve your confidence.

  • Play as many competitive games as you can, enter all of your local club competitions this will again improve your bowling skills.

  • When finished accompany your team mates to the bar!

The History Of Lawn Bowling

lawn bowling
The history of Lawn Bowling has been traced back as far as Egyptian times when ancient objects were discovered in the grave of a child that resembled an earlier form of the game. It was thought that they would play a game that was similar to what we know as skittles today, with stones that were round in shape.

Many other countries claim that they were the first to play this sport, with the game being played in many different cultures. The Italians play Bocce, The French play Boules.

The game of lawn bowls then spread to England in 1299AD where the first recorded game was played in Southampton and is still home to the worlds oldest lawn bowling green.

It is well known that Sir Francis Drake played the game of bowls and legend has it that whilst the Spanish Armada were vastly approaching their ship in Plymouth Hoe, Sir Walter Raleigh and himself were in the middle of bowls game that Sir Francis Drake refused to interrupt. He believed there was enough time to finish the game before setting sail, and although he did not win his game of bowls, he did however, beat the Spanish Armada.

King Henry VIII was also a fan of the sport. And during his reign this sport was proving so popular that he had to ban others from playing the sport to ensure that they focused on their archery and other trades. It became a game for the wealthy. In order to play lawn bowls you would be required to pay a fee of £100.

The sport was also banned in France for the same reasons however Scotland did not wish to follow the ban and today Glasgow boasts 2000 lawn bowling greens available for public play.

The ban was lifted in 1845 with King James I encouraged lawn bowling to be played by the public and also encouraged any other skilled sport to be played providing it wasn't Football!

Welcome to Lawn Bowling Online

Here at Lawn Bowling Online we aim to provide you with free tips and advise from Bowling professionals for beginners all the way to advanced players.

We will guide you through the equipment you need, from choosing the right bowls shoes, picking the perfect set of bowls, wearing the right clothing (make sure you've always got a set of waterproofs spare!), helping you in finding a local bowls club to practice at and even suggest some stunning bowling holiday locations for you to relax and unwind around like minded people.

We will provide you with a little history of lawn bowling, discuss up and coming competitions and events and tell you the ways of getting involved.

The most important tip of all is to enjoy the game. Lawn bowling is a very social hobby that is played by a wide variety of people including an increasing number of young players joining and competing in tournaments.

And remember! There is alot of money to be made in the professional world of bowls! By practicing at your bowls club, competing against other clubs, you could soon find your way playing professionally and winning some of that lovely prize money!

At lawn bowling online we want to give you the friendly advise you need. Your opinons matter to us, so if there are any questions you would like answered, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Please do not forget to read through our other articles on the site including:
  • A Beginner Guide to Lawn Bowling
  • Bowling Clubs
  • Bowls Equipment
  • Indoor Bowls

Happy Browsing!